Why we are here
Our Mission

Why have we made this website? Alfred Butler in his famous Lives of the Principal
Saints and Martyrs writes under Saint Bartholomew (one which Protestants recognize because
he is an Apostle) this: “How comes it that nowadays the apostolical labors of so many ministers
of the divine word produce so little fruit? One great reason of this difference is their neglect to
obtain of God a large share in the spirit of the apostles. Their success and the influence of their
words upon the hearts of men depend not upon human prudence, eloquence, and abilities; the
principal instrument of God’s grace in multiplying the fruit of his word in the hearts of men is the
spirit with which it is announced by those whom he honors with the ministry.”
This spirit is characterized by humility and a personal selection by God. In all of Catholic
history (which is the history of every offshoot of Catholicism as well, from Islam to the Baptist
Church), this personal selection was principally made of priests, whom Butler calls the ministers
of His Word. If a man outside the priesthood was called to evangelize another, it was discernible
only by what was in front of him and the threats of not performing.
For example, many laymen and even unbaptized are saints by their martyrdom. A
soldier like Saint George sees the publication of unjust laws by the Emperor against Christians
in the army, and he resigns. He then, being known for his acts of piety in going to Church,
worshipping at Mass, revering priests, constant prayer, and regularity of life without gluttony at
the table, impurity in the bedchamber, and anger or hatred even on the field of battle, is
apprehended as a Christian. Now, he already has these great practices, which are his chief
concern. His martyrdom is rather the reward of these practices, for it gives him a great place in
Heaven, in comparison to which anything here on earth is mere dust, slime, and pebbles. But,
by a principle which our Lord enumerates in His parable of the candle under the bushel, even
though these are private practices directed at his own soul, Saint George still gains the attention
of all around him. And then he is accused, declares himself a worshipper of Christ and these
false gods as mere demons, and is martyred publicly with great joy on his part and great
confusion on the part of his accusers. What is the result of this? People convert. See also Saint
Romanus who converted directly as a result of Saint Lawrence’s tortures and imprisonment; the
same of many exhorted by Saint Sebastian, Saint Eulogius; and countless other examples.
This, therefore, is the normal way in which laypeople and ordinary Catholics are called to
evangelize. First, we pursue great devotions, penances, and austerities. Second, we resist
publicity (by humility). Third, we are called to publicity by the exterior circumstances and the
laws of God.
You may ask yourself: what is forcing us to make this website? Is there some evil
Emperor threatening us unless we do? Well, in the case of at least the writer of this portion, that
is true. I am a writer, I have no money, these folks have charitably offered to employ me in
writing this, and so therefore I am obligated to do it out of the principles of prudence. If not, then
my family starves, by the operation of the economic laws of this nation.
But of the rest? Butler in the same article goes on to say: “The characteristical virtue of
the apostles was zeal for the divine glory: the first property of the love of God. A soldier is
always ready to defend the honor of his prince, and a son that of his father; and can a Christian
say he loves God who is indifferent to his honor? Or can charity towards his neighbor be lodged
Saints and Martyrs writes under Saint Bartholomew (one which Protestants recognize because
he is an Apostle) this: “How comes it that nowadays the apostolical labors of so many ministers
of the divine word produce so little fruit? One great reason of this difference is their neglect to
obtain of God a large share in the spirit of the apostles. Their success and the influence of their
words upon the hearts of men depend not upon human prudence, eloquence, and abilities; the
principal instrument of God’s grace in multiplying the fruit of his word in the hearts of men is the
spirit with which it is announced by those whom he honors with the ministry.”
This spirit is characterized by humility and a personal selection by God. In all of Catholic
history (which is the history of every offshoot of Catholicism as well, from Islam to the Baptist
Church), this personal selection was principally made of priests, whom Butler calls the ministers
of His Word. If a man outside the priesthood was called to evangelize another, it was discernible
only by what was in front of him and the threats of not performing.
For example, many laymen and even unbaptized are saints by their martyrdom. A
soldier like Saint George sees the publication of unjust laws by the Emperor against Christians
in the army, and he resigns. He then, being known for his acts of piety in going to Church,
worshipping at Mass, revering priests, constant prayer, and regularity of life without gluttony at
the table, impurity in the bedchamber, and anger or hatred even on the field of battle, is
apprehended as a Christian. Now, he already has these great practices, which are his chief
concern. His martyrdom is rather the reward of these practices, for it gives him a great place in
Heaven, in comparison to which anything here on earth is mere dust, slime, and pebbles. But,
by a principle which our Lord enumerates in His parable of the candle under the bushel, even
though these are private practices directed at his own soul, Saint George still gains the attention
of all around him. And then he is accused, declares himself a worshipper of Christ and these
false gods as mere demons, and is martyred publicly with great joy on his part and great
confusion on the part of his accusers. What is the result of this? People convert. See also Saint
Romanus who converted directly as a result of Saint Lawrence’s tortures and imprisonment; the
same of many exhorted by Saint Sebastian, Saint Eulogius; and countless other examples.
This, therefore, is the normal way in which laypeople and ordinary Catholics are called to
evangelize. First, we pursue great devotions, penances, and austerities. Second, we resist
publicity (by humility). Third, we are called to publicity by the exterior circumstances and the
laws of God.
You may ask yourself: what is forcing us to make this website? Is there some evil
Emperor threatening us unless we do? Well, in the case of at least the writer of this portion, that
is true. I am a writer, I have no money, these folks have charitably offered to employ me in
writing this, and so therefore I am obligated to do it out of the principles of prudence. If not, then
my family starves, by the operation of the economic laws of this nation.
But of the rest? Butler in the same article goes on to say: “The characteristical virtue of
the apostles was zeal for the divine glory: the first property of the love of God. A soldier is
always ready to defend the honor of his prince, and a son that of his father; and can a Christian
say he loves God who is indifferent to his honor? Or can charity towards his neighbor be lodged
in his breast if he can see him in danger of perishing and not endeavor, at least by tears and
prayers, to avert his misfortune?”
We live in a very unique time; the saints call it the most evil age that has ever been, in
comparison even to the time of Our Lord, when all things were swallowed in dark idolatry, and
the times of Noah, in which the whole world was found unworthy of the least of the mercy of
God to preserve their lives, with the exception of a single nuclear family. Now these things are
surely true in our own age, and even more so, but that is hard to see at first glance.
Since you are on this page and attempting to understand our mission, you will have to
see things from our perspective for a moment. Therefore, the maxims of which we will labor to
convince you, simply look at as if they were true already in your eyes, and it should be very
easy to see what we are doing. First of all, the Catholic religion is the universal religion which
goes back to Adam and Eve and consists in the worship of the only True God, and also contains
the only acceptable worship, prescribed by rules and laws that does not, for instance, allow a
man to dedicate a homosexual union to the true God, because that would be a contradiction of
that God’s works. Aside from this religion, all other objects of worship are worthless and cause
damnation, and all other means of worship are comparable, even if directed towards the true
God. This religion can be seen throughout the Holy Scriptures beginning with Cain and Abel and
proceeding through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, until Moses, when it received a specific
codification related to a specific people. This situation then subsisted until the coming of God
Himself Incarnate, which made all things new, being the center of all history. For instance, the
bloody sacrifice to expiate sins was replaced with a bloodless sacrifice of the Blessed
Sacrament, which in turn recapitulated the Sacrifice of Cavalry, in which God’s Son offered
Himself as a propitiation for all sins.
This new form of the same religion then receives codification and clarification by Christ
the Founder through His Apostles and their immediate disciples, who are able to fulfill the
promise of the last part of the Gospel of Saint John, which rather worryingly says that all things
done and said by Christ could not be contained within all the books of the world. This is a
problem if you wish to imitate Christ. The solution is this new codification, called Sacred
Immediately, the devil and his cohorts twist all the teachings of Christ and confuse
people into hell by beginning heresies, and these have continued repeatedly. This continues
until our time, where there is so much confusion both within and without the True Church, that it
is doubtful even if you are in it, that you understand what the Blessed Sacrament is, the very
definition and center of that Church.
As a result of this, you now have all the five sins which cry out to Heaven for vengeance,
which are: homosexual union, abortion, euthanasia, stem-cell research, and human cloning.
You also have widespread sexual impurity and abuse such that it is a wonder if a man knows
what marriage is, and also if there is a single virgin left on the face of the Earth. We can list the
other disorders of our time, but if you simply take abortion, you can understand the dire situation
we are in from the perspective of Heaven.
In the time of Moses, at his birth, the Egyptians were massacring all male infants in the
Nile River. Eighty years later, God responded to this with a number of plagues ranging from
turning that river to blood (removing the water supply from that nation) to striking down the
firstborn of every family in Egypt simply from being related to the same nation which committed
prayers, to avert his misfortune?”
We live in a very unique time; the saints call it the most evil age that has ever been, in
comparison even to the time of Our Lord, when all things were swallowed in dark idolatry, and
the times of Noah, in which the whole world was found unworthy of the least of the mercy of
God to preserve their lives, with the exception of a single nuclear family. Now these things are
surely true in our own age, and even more so, but that is hard to see at first glance.
Since you are on this page and attempting to understand our mission, you will have to
see things from our perspective for a moment. Therefore, the maxims of which we will labor to
convince you, simply look at as if they were true already in your eyes, and it should be very
easy to see what we are doing. First of all, the Catholic religion is the universal religion which
goes back to Adam and Eve and consists in the worship of the only True God, and also contains
the only acceptable worship, prescribed by rules and laws that does not, for instance, allow a
man to dedicate a homosexual union to the true God, because that would be a contradiction of
that God’s works. Aside from this religion, all other objects of worship are worthless and cause
damnation, and all other means of worship are comparable, even if directed towards the true
God. This religion can be seen throughout the Holy Scriptures beginning with Cain and Abel and
proceeding through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, until Moses, when it received a specific
codification related to a specific people. This situation then subsisted until the coming of God
Himself Incarnate, which made all things new, being the center of all history. For instance, the
bloody sacrifice to expiate sins was replaced with a bloodless sacrifice of the Blessed
Sacrament, which in turn recapitulated the Sacrifice of Cavalry, in which God’s Son offered
Himself as a propitiation for all sins.
This new form of the same religion then receives codification and clarification by Christ
the Founder through His Apostles and their immediate disciples, who are able to fulfill the
promise of the last part of the Gospel of Saint John, which rather worryingly says that all things
done and said by Christ could not be contained within all the books of the world. This is a
problem if you wish to imitate Christ. The solution is this new codification, called Sacred
Immediately, the devil and his cohorts twist all the teachings of Christ and confuse
people into hell by beginning heresies, and these have continued repeatedly. This continues
until our time, where there is so much confusion both within and without the True Church, that it
is doubtful even if you are in it, that you understand what the Blessed Sacrament is, the very
definition and center of that Church.
As a result of this, you now have all the five sins which cry out to Heaven for vengeance,
which are: homosexual union, abortion, euthanasia, stem-cell research, and human cloning.
You also have widespread sexual impurity and abuse such that it is a wonder if a man knows
what marriage is, and also if there is a single virgin left on the face of the Earth. We can list the
other disorders of our time, but if you simply take abortion, you can understand the dire situation
we are in from the perspective of Heaven.
In the time of Moses, at his birth, the Egyptians were massacring all male infants in the
Nile River. Eighty years later, God responded to this with a number of plagues ranging from
turning that river to blood (removing the water supply from that nation) to striking down the
firstborn of every family in Egypt simply from being related to the same nation which committed
this crime. That means even a lowly slave far away from the courts of Pharaoh was held
responsible for the murder of babies. In fact, even the cattle lost their firstborn.
So what is likely to happen to us who are in this nation of 63,459,781 abortions since
1973 (according to National Right to Life)? What is the solution to that? This is where you must
see things from our perspective: not only are these crimes caused by a departure from True
Religion, but if you perish in them without the True Religion, then you proceed to hell and not to
Heaven. Even if you have the True Religion, you might still go to hell. Because God is a
rigorous Judge. Judas gave up all to follow Him, proclaimed His Name, learned His Teachings,
received from Him the Blessed Sacrament and a washing of his feet, showed repentance for his
sin, and still was condemned to hell. Peter repented of abandoning Christ and would have gone
to hell if not for Christ coming to personally give him the penance of declaring his love three
Here is another story from Butler: a certain priest has a dispute with a certain layman.
This dispute remains unforgiven for many years. The city comes under persecution, and the
priest is apprehended as a Christian, condemned to die. He makes a confession of the faith,
suffers torture, then is led to the spot of persecution. The layman ambushes him, falls to his
feet, blesses him as a holy martyr, and begs his forgiveness for the dispute. The priest ignores
him and continues his march. This happens several times until he comes to the very headstone,
and then he suddenly reneges his confession and declares himself willing to sacrifice incense to
the false gods. The layman is scandalized, exhorts him, and when the priest continues to ignore
him, the soldiers leading the priest ask the layman who he is. He declares himself a Christian
and ready to give his blood in place of this man who has made such a shameful apostasy.
Permission from the governor is sought, and the layman is martyred. He is a saint on the
calendar, the priest may have gone to hell.
Point being, if you are not perfect as Christ commands, and if you fail in one part of His
Law (which allows such easy means for attaining forgiveness), then there is no reason to expect
the grace of final perseverance.
And so here we are, praying continually, drawn to tears thinking of our fathers, mothers,
brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and so on, all proceeding glibly to hell. Hence
why we pray and do penance, offering to God our sufferings as the Redeemer offered His.
Then, afterwards, we meditate on the parable of the shepherd going after one lost sheep. It was
his sheep, and no one else could be expected to go after it. But we have ninety-nine family
members, relatives, neighbors, and close friends very far astray, and no one else could be
expected to go after them. There is such confusion in the Church now that a priest is not
guaranteed to know the means of salvation. Who else might God use but us for these specific
There is no doubt that the first motive in any Catholic’s soul should be to pursue Christ
and imitate him. It is their own sanctification. For all the flaws and sins we have, we do penance,
as did Saint Mary Magdalen, in pouring out the unction of our prayers at His Feet, to prepare
Him for His burial at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where He is buried into the hearts of those
who worthily receive Holy Communion. But these things naturally lead to exterior works which, if
not neglectful of the interior life that comes first, is the most potent means of a salutary life on
earth and the best preparation for Heaven.
responsible for the murder of babies. In fact, even the cattle lost their firstborn.
So what is likely to happen to us who are in this nation of 63,459,781 abortions since
1973 (according to National Right to Life)? What is the solution to that? This is where you must
see things from our perspective: not only are these crimes caused by a departure from True
Religion, but if you perish in them without the True Religion, then you proceed to hell and not to
Heaven. Even if you have the True Religion, you might still go to hell. Because God is a
rigorous Judge. Judas gave up all to follow Him, proclaimed His Name, learned His Teachings,
received from Him the Blessed Sacrament and a washing of his feet, showed repentance for his
sin, and still was condemned to hell. Peter repented of abandoning Christ and would have gone
to hell if not for Christ coming to personally give him the penance of declaring his love three
Here is another story from Butler: a certain priest has a dispute with a certain layman.
This dispute remains unforgiven for many years. The city comes under persecution, and the
priest is apprehended as a Christian, condemned to die. He makes a confession of the faith,
suffers torture, then is led to the spot of persecution. The layman ambushes him, falls to his
feet, blesses him as a holy martyr, and begs his forgiveness for the dispute. The priest ignores
him and continues his march. This happens several times until he comes to the very headstone,
and then he suddenly reneges his confession and declares himself willing to sacrifice incense to
the false gods. The layman is scandalized, exhorts him, and when the priest continues to ignore
him, the soldiers leading the priest ask the layman who he is. He declares himself a Christian
and ready to give his blood in place of this man who has made such a shameful apostasy.
Permission from the governor is sought, and the layman is martyred. He is a saint on the
calendar, the priest may have gone to hell.
Point being, if you are not perfect as Christ commands, and if you fail in one part of His
Law (which allows such easy means for attaining forgiveness), then there is no reason to expect
the grace of final perseverance.
And so here we are, praying continually, drawn to tears thinking of our fathers, mothers,
brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and so on, all proceeding glibly to hell. Hence
why we pray and do penance, offering to God our sufferings as the Redeemer offered His.
Then, afterwards, we meditate on the parable of the shepherd going after one lost sheep. It was
his sheep, and no one else could be expected to go after it. But we have ninety-nine family
members, relatives, neighbors, and close friends very far astray, and no one else could be
expected to go after them. There is such confusion in the Church now that a priest is not
guaranteed to know the means of salvation. Who else might God use but us for these specific
There is no doubt that the first motive in any Catholic’s soul should be to pursue Christ
and imitate him. It is their own sanctification. For all the flaws and sins we have, we do penance,
as did Saint Mary Magdalen, in pouring out the unction of our prayers at His Feet, to prepare
Him for His burial at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where He is buried into the hearts of those
who worthily receive Holy Communion. But these things naturally lead to exterior works which, if
not neglectful of the interior life that comes first, is the most potent means of a salutary life on
earth and the best preparation for Heaven.
What is the reward of gluttony but sickness, discomfort, shame, and death? What is the
best means of acquiring temperance but regular fasting? We do the fasting to please God in
penance for our sins, and we naturally acquire this virtue that makes our lives actually more
What is the reward of pride but loneliness and bitterness? We practice humility, blaming
ourselves for our sins especially in the Confessional, attributing all evil to our own nature and all
good to God, in order to please Him. But what better way to have friends?
So on and so forth. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added to you.
Therefore our mission is to do that, firstly for ourselves, and secondly for you.
The Holy Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ through the person of Saint Peter, is
God’s complete plan for human salvation. Without it, you have no defense from the enemies
who are much wiser than you, and no means to attain to the perfection of imitating Christ,
Whom you can barely know through the skewed and warped interpretations that protestants
give, leaving Him little more than a nice guy, smiling and hugging, rather than the serene,
solemn, and powerful God that He has always been in the depictions of traditional iconography.
There are many Catholics led away from the faith by a fervent protestant who knows
their religion well. There are few Catholics who know their religion well. Counseling the doubtful
is a spiritual work of mercy inculcated to all men.
There are many truth-loving protestants who have never encountered a Catholic capable
of comparing religion accurately. Instructing the ignorant is another spiritual work of mercy.
There are many Catholics who have not been back to Mass since Corona allowed them
to miss it, who do not know the fearsome truth of the Mass, nor the amiable nature of Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament, Who waits day and night in a box for someone to visit Him as He has
desired to visit us. Admonishing the sinner is the next act of mercy.
There are many Catholics who have not gone to Mass or kept the faith and cannot even
put a finger on the reason. The evil of the world has either seduced them or oppressed them
into sorrow. The fact that an able-bodied man with ten children cannot see them hardly ever if
he would like to feed them, and has to entrust their sacred education to very doubtful
instructors, is one of the many injustices that can afflict a lover of God, and has never been
explained. Comforting the sorrowful is the next act of mercy.
There are many people who attend other religious services, calling themselves
Christians, who read the words of Our Lord about, for instance, the Bread of Life, and cannot
see it in the little croutons and grape-juice packets that they consume as a community every
now and then. They are perhaps alienated from the True Church by scandal or fear. They may
have sinned many times, or fear the unforgivable sin (whether they have committed it), or have
a disordered life. Perhaps they have met Catholics who would not look past this or otherwise
would speak over their heads about something further from their hearts, like the fine points of
theology. But forgiving injuries is the next act of mercy, and we intend to do that for the whole
Church, who might have been injured by you, and present once again the truth without any
Perhaps no one has had the patience of bearing with you to the end. But we intend to
commit to that, and you can contact us for the purpose. The most important thing is to get in
touch with a good priest. However, that is much harder than it has ever been, and we can assist
best means of acquiring temperance but regular fasting? We do the fasting to please God in
penance for our sins, and we naturally acquire this virtue that makes our lives actually more
What is the reward of pride but loneliness and bitterness? We practice humility, blaming
ourselves for our sins especially in the Confessional, attributing all evil to our own nature and all
good to God, in order to please Him. But what better way to have friends?
So on and so forth. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all else will be added to you.
Therefore our mission is to do that, firstly for ourselves, and secondly for you.
The Holy Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ through the person of Saint Peter, is
God’s complete plan for human salvation. Without it, you have no defense from the enemies
who are much wiser than you, and no means to attain to the perfection of imitating Christ,
Whom you can barely know through the skewed and warped interpretations that protestants
give, leaving Him little more than a nice guy, smiling and hugging, rather than the serene,
solemn, and powerful God that He has always been in the depictions of traditional iconography.
There are many Catholics led away from the faith by a fervent protestant who knows
their religion well. There are few Catholics who know their religion well. Counseling the doubtful
is a spiritual work of mercy inculcated to all men.
There are many truth-loving protestants who have never encountered a Catholic capable
of comparing religion accurately. Instructing the ignorant is another spiritual work of mercy.
There are many Catholics who have not been back to Mass since Corona allowed them
to miss it, who do not know the fearsome truth of the Mass, nor the amiable nature of Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament, Who waits day and night in a box for someone to visit Him as He has
desired to visit us. Admonishing the sinner is the next act of mercy.
There are many Catholics who have not gone to Mass or kept the faith and cannot even
put a finger on the reason. The evil of the world has either seduced them or oppressed them
into sorrow. The fact that an able-bodied man with ten children cannot see them hardly ever if
he would like to feed them, and has to entrust their sacred education to very doubtful
instructors, is one of the many injustices that can afflict a lover of God, and has never been
explained. Comforting the sorrowful is the next act of mercy.
There are many people who attend other religious services, calling themselves
Christians, who read the words of Our Lord about, for instance, the Bread of Life, and cannot
see it in the little croutons and grape-juice packets that they consume as a community every
now and then. They are perhaps alienated from the True Church by scandal or fear. They may
have sinned many times, or fear the unforgivable sin (whether they have committed it), or have
a disordered life. Perhaps they have met Catholics who would not look past this or otherwise
would speak over their heads about something further from their hearts, like the fine points of
theology. But forgiving injuries is the next act of mercy, and we intend to do that for the whole
Church, who might have been injured by you, and present once again the truth without any
Perhaps no one has had the patience of bearing with you to the end. But we intend to
commit to that, and you can contact us for the purpose. The most important thing is to get in
touch with a good priest. However, that is much harder than it has ever been, and we can assist
you with this. We shall bear the wrongs inside and outside the Church patiently, so long as you
will do it with us.
The final act of mercy is to pray for the living and the dead. This we have done first,
done during, and will do to the end, for you, those who read this. This through the intercession
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to Whom we entrust all our merits.
Our mission is to convert you to the True Religion.
will do it with us.
The final act of mercy is to pray for the living and the dead. This we have done first,
done during, and will do to the end, for you, those who read this. This through the intercession
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to Whom we entrust all our merits.
Our mission is to convert you to the True Religion.